– NOW.”

Education and training

Trainer training:

  • NLP Business Master + Practitioner (Inntal Institute)
  • NLP Trainer certified according to DVNLP
  • Systemic Coaching & Systemic Constellations Work
    at University of Augsburg
  • Systemic Constellation Manager (Inntal Institute)
  • mental coach
  • intuition trainer
  • EFT Level 2 (Emotional Freedom Technique) with Mathias Maul and Gary Craig
  • MakeYourMind Matter Advanced Level (Dr. Joe Dispenza) 2015 to 2017
  • Huna-Workshops and Dynamind with Serge Kahili King
  • Intuition trainer & life coach with Kurt Tepperwein
  • Further methods (no training but developed):”The Work”, mental training, emotional work, Qui-Mag Feng-Shui, Indian mantras, participation in shamanic workshops (1997-1999)

“By him, I have understood how personal energy and philosophical depth can work together to make the difference.”

  Martin M. 

Studied success gauges:

  • Dale Carnegie® Training Programs
    DALE CARNEGIE & ASSOCIATES, Inc. 1475 Franklin Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 US
  • Everything about body language, character and knowledge of human nature according to Bernhard P. Wirth, Loretorstr. 1.6300 Zug, Switzerland

Christoph Ulrich Mayer became the number 1 in Europe as Mental Business Designer® and has earned a great reputation as a speaker, coach and top speaker. As a management strategist, he advises countless clients, market leaders and hidden champions (and those who want to become one) worldwide, and provides mental business strategies that help entrepreneurs and private individuals to improve themselves and their results.

In his lectures and seminars, he reveals the key mental strategies for success that any other businessman would probably never reveal. Christoph Ulrich Mayer touches, wakes up and inspires with his lectures, seminars and workshops. Try it out!

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